Sunday, September 4, 2016

My Feedback Thoughts

Positive and Negative Feedback
(Source: withMartijn)
Feedback is ultimately one of the most important things that happen in our every day lives. Feedback in the gateway for improvement. It allows us to see from a different perspective. Without it, we would be doomed to isolation with our thoughts alone. We would convince ourselves that our work is utterly perfect and there is absolutely no option for growth. Feedback is what we need as human beings. We need to be told what we are doing wrong and how we can fix it. However, it gets very difficult in this area.  I definitely think there is an interesting relationship between giving and receiving feedback. People may be somewhat sensitive to what people tell them, but have absolutely no problem dishing out over the top feedback. There is absolutely no room belittling in feedback. You have to find the right balance. You can inform a person on how to improve without being rude about it. I think it's important to find that balance and never stray from it.

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